Supplied Artwork
Mickle Creative

Passionate about what we do

A guide for supplying artwork.

No matter what software you use to create your artwork, your final artwork file should be exported to a print-ready file format in the correct colour mode, at the correct size with a bleed area around the edge and crop marks.

This will ensure that we can produce a high-resolution print product without the need for alteration.


We require all artwork to be supplied as a high resolution PDF. Please do not supply Canva, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher or Works files.

Sizing and Bleed

The artwork that you produce should be at the correct size. It is essential that there is 3mm bleed around your artwork to account for very slight variances during the trimming process. To help with alignment, crop marks should be added too.

Also important, is a safe area which is similar to bleed, but applies to the inside rather than the outside of the intended trimming lines. Text, logos and other important graphics should be kept in the safe area to ensure that they doesn’t get cut off.

Sizing & Bleed example

For example, whilst an A5 size is 210 x 148mm, with 3mm bleed on each side, your supplied artwork file would need to be 216 x 154mm.

Any background colours or designs will need to extend right to the edge and any important text must be a safe distance from what will be the final trimmed size.

Bleed edge:                     _________________

Trim line / Actual size:   _________________

Safe area:                         – – – – – – – – – – – – –

sizing and bleed


Any artwork that’s intended for print should be created in (or converted to) CMYK not RGB.


All fonts should be embedded or set to curves / outlines.


Images need to be high resolution – 300 DPI (dots per inch) and use the CMYK colour model.

Multipage documents

Please supply a single PDF file in the order you’d like it to print, with the front cover on first page and the back cover on the last page.